Wedding Ceremonies
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There is a variety of “wedding ceremony order of service” that you can use.  For example, the father or mother can walk the bride to the groom, the bride and groom can walk together to the minister, the bride can walk alone to the groom, etc. On this page I have outlined the wedding ceremonies that I use.  

Wedding Ceremony Order of Service
Bride and Groom, no guest wedding
1.Bride and groom walk to the minister.
2.Welcome & opening statement by minister.
3.Bible reading.
4.Vows. (Repeat after me or use your own vows.)
5.Blessing of the Rings
6.Ring exchange. 
7.Blessing of the marriage (prayer)
8.Pronouncement by the minister.
9.Sealing the vows with a kiss.
10.End of ceremony

Couple only with Hawaiian prayers

1.Bride and groom walk to the minister.
2.Welcome & opening statement by minister.
3.Hawaiian one sentence prayer.
4.Bible reading.
5.Vows. (Repeat after me or use your own vows.)
6.Blessing of the rings.
7.Ring exchange.
8.Blessing of the marriage (prayer) English & Hawaiian.
9.Pronouncement by the minister, with Hawaiian one sentence prayer.
10.Sealing the vows with a kiss.
11.End of ceremony.

Bride escorted by Father/Mother/family member/children/friend

1.Bride and Escort walk to the minister.
2.Escort places brides hand to the groom. (Escort may say a message to the groom)
3.Welcome & opening statement by minister.
4.Bible reading.
5.Vows. (Repeat after me or use your own vows.)
6.Ring exchange.
7.Blessing of the marriage (prayer)
8.Pronouncement by the minister.
9.Sealing the vows with a kiss.
10.End of ceremony

Wedding with bridesmaids and groomsmen
1.Bridesmaid and groomsmen walk as a couple towards the minister and then separate to the side.
2.Follow the wedding order in the outline of the above weddings.
3.After the bride and groom kiss, the bride and groom exits by     walking towards the starting point of the wedding.
4.Bridesmaids and groomsmen,  as a couple, exit by walking towards the starting point of the wedding.
5.End of ceremony.

Wedding with flower girl and ring boy
1.Flower girl/ring boy slowly walk towards the minister. When the flower girl/ring boy is in front of the minister, she/he exits to the specified area.
2.Follow the wedding order in the outline above.
3.End of ceremony
Wedding with Lei Exchange
1.Right after the ring exchange, the  bride and groom will place lei’s on each other.
2.Closing prayer after the lei ceremony.
3.Follow the wedding outline above

Wedding with Sand Ceremony
1.Right after the ring exchange, the sand ceremony begins.
2.Closing prayer after the sand ceremony.
3.Follow the outline of wedding ceremony above.